Jason Wheeler & Family Benefit
Please join us
February 8th, 2025
Hill Top Inn
Jason (Head Chef at Hill Top Inn) has been placed on the kidney transplant list. Funds raised will be used to fill gaps in healthcare expenses and to assist the family with living expenses while he is out of work and recovering.
If you can’t attend the event and would like to donate directly to Jason Wheeler and Family - Please follow the link to Help Hope Live
Jason Wheeler is a 46-year-old father of two (Ethan 16, Evelyn 15) who has been diagnosed with advanced chronic kidney disease. He was recently placed on the kidney transplant list and will be the fourth kidney transplant recipient in two generations of his family. They are currently seeking a donor match (Blood type O positive for those interested) and going through the lengthy testing process involved with organ transplant surgery.
Jason our chef here at Hill Top Inn and despite a high-stress position with long hours, models a positive attitude and environment around him. He is married to the love of his life, Sara, and on days of good health and rest, can be found instilling life skills of honor, honesty, and the importance of a good follow-through on the golf course to his children. He is a valued member of our Hill Top Inn family and is loved by all of his team members.
Costs associated with transplant surgery are lifelong. In addition to the cost of Jason’s surgery, he is also responsible for the costs of the donor’s surgery. Anti-rejection medication and immunosuppressives will be a lifelong requirement. Insurance will cover most of the transplant costs, but copays, lost work for both Jason and Sara, and costs associated with travelling to and from Rochester on a regular basis will add up quickly.
We humbly ask for your support to assist in making the Wheeler family’s journey a little easier.
As Jason says: “From the bottom of my kidneys, I thank you for your support.”
Sponsorship OPtions
Donation of 5,000.00 includes a table of 8, A round of Golf for three w/Jason, a certificate for a tasting event at Hill Top Inn ($400 value,) 80 Chinese Auction Tickets, and Platinum Sponsorship listing in program
Donation of 1000-2500 includes table of 8 guests, 40 Chinese Auction Tickets, and Gold Sponsorship listing in program
Donation of 500-999 includes 6 tickets, 20 Chinese Auction Tickets, and Silver Sponsorship listing in program
Donation of 250-499 includes 4 tickets to event and Bronze lisitng in program
Donation of 100-249 includes 2 tickets and Friend listing in program
Single admission 25.00 per person
Click on the photo below for sponsorship or tickets